EndNote 21 is a bibliographic referencing tool which can help you store and organise references such as journal articles, documents and website links. This resource can save you time when writing a research paper or article in Microsoft Word by allowing you to track citations and create a bibliography at the click of a button. EndNote is available to WSLHD employees. Students can contact their educational institution for access.
The features of using Endnote for bibliographic management include:
import references from databases such as Medline directly into your EndNote library
EndNote is available to WSLHD employees. Students can contact their educational institution for access.
Access EndNote 21 on your work computer
**Endnote 21 is not compatible with Windows 8.1. Please submit a SARA request to upgrade to Windows 10 before requesting installation of Endnote 21, otherwise request Endnote 20.
Access EndNote 21 on your non-work computer
Note: Our licence does not include EndNote for ipad
Note: Only WSLHD staff are able to download this licensed software title and EndNote can only be loaded as long as you remain a current staff member. When your association with WSLHD is finished you will need to purchase your own license
Contact your local facility library for help and training on EndNote.
You can also view training guides, an indepth manual and short video tutorials on the EndNote website.
Register for the following training through My Health Learning. Click the link below for upcoming session dates.
DEV14044 - How to Manage Your References Using Endnote
Other training
WSLHD Libraries provide regular training on a variety of topics. Find scheduled training sessions here or fill out the training request form to arrange a tailored one-on-one or group training session.
How do I access the product key for EndNote on my non-work computer?
You should not be asked for the product key on your non-work computer. When following the instructions above, ensure you save the unzipped files to a location on your computer (step 6) prior to installing the EndNote program.
How do I find full text using EndNote?
Please view the How do I find full text using EndNote? page
How can I use EndNote in Microsoft 365?
Please view the How can I use EndNote in Microsoft 365? page for information on accessing the Microsoft Word Add-In using Microsoft 365 and storing files in Sharepoint.
How can I access an EndNote online account?
Register or login here.