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ClinicalKey provides access to peer-reviewed and evidence-based medical and surgical content. Remote access is available.  Content includes:

  • Over 1,200 books titles

  • Over 1900 medical and surgical videos and 1 million+ images

  • AMH drug monographs

  • 500 Clinical Overviews (POC summaries)

  • Clinical Guidelines

  • Customisable patient education handouts and more


To access ClinicalKey click here. You will need to sign in using your MyAthens login for access. If you need to create a MyAthens login click here using a hospital desktop computer, corporate mobile or device connected to the VPN. For help using MyAthens click here


You can search and browse ClinicalKey using any work computer without logging in. However you will need to create a login if you wish to save content, sign up for alerts, set up remote/mobile access or claim CPE/CME credit. To create a login follow the steps below.

1. Click Register on the top right hand corner

2. Fill in the required details then click on Register

3. You can now login by clicking Login on the top right hand corner of the website.

Alternative Remote Access

As mentioned above you can use MyAthens for remote access. 

Alternatively, to sign up for remote access directly with ClinicalKey follow these steps:

  1. Click on the menu icon on the top right hand corner

  1. Click on Remote Access

  1. Follow the instructions ensuring you use a email address and select Western Sydney Local Health District – Remote Access as the organisation.

  2. Now that you are set up for remote access directly with Clinical Key you can go to, click Login on the top right hand corner, then login. See section above for how to create a login.

Mobile Access

For mobile access:

  1. Open the App Store on your mobile device (Available in Google Play for Android devices, and iTunes for Apple devices) then download the ClinicalKey app.
  2. Login using your credentials. See section above for how to create a login.
  3. For step-by-step instructions view the Clinical Key App Quick Reference Guide


Visit the ClinicalKey Help page for further help in using ClinicalKey. You can view Toolkits which provide the latest content on specific topics such.


WSLHD Libraries provide regular training on a variety of topics. Find scheduled training sessions here or fill out the training request form to arrange a tailored one-on-one or group training session. 

Short vendor step-through videos

Welcome to ClinicalKey

Searching and browsing on ClinicalKey

How to gain Remote Access to ClinicalKey

Claiming CME Points on ClinicalKey

How to use Presentation Maker on ClinicalKey

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I claim CME credits on ClinicalKey?


How do I see what content in Clinical Key I can access?

Access the Master Content List spreadsheet for a list of all content available in Clinical Key,