We're here to help!
Our Library team is available
Monday-Friday 8.30-4.30
and may be contacted using any of the following:
Chat with a librarian
Our Chat with a Librarian is a messaging service available during business hours Monday - Friday 8.30-4.30. This service allows you to ask questions and talk to library staff in 'real time'. You must be signed into Microsoft Teams to start a Chat with us - just enter BMDH Library staff as per below:
You may also chat with individual staff members by entering their name (Kathleen McMillan, Anne Gray or Parnita Sharma).
For more help about how to use Chat on Teams click here or view this video.
E-mail us
Peter Zelas Library Blacktown Hospital WSLHD-BlacktownHospitalLibrary@health.nsw.gov.au
Mount Druitt Hospital Library WSLHD-MtDruittHospitalLibrary@health.nsw.gov.au
Need help with your research or finding evidence to support your patient care? Visit us in the Libraries and we're be very happy to assist you.
If you'd like us to visit you in your ward or department please let us know.
We're also very happy to schedule a meeting time with you to meet with a library staff member in the library to discuss your requirements. We will organise a mutually convenient time to meet click here for further information. When visiting other hospitals, you may ask at any of our WSLHD libraries for assistance.
Peter Zelas Library, Blacktown Hospital: 9851 6025
Mount Druitt Hospital Library: 9881 1637
If no one answers, please leave us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we are open for business.
Need help after hours?
Have a question out of business hours? Submit a question using our form and we'll get back to you as soon as we're open for business.