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Make an appointment

Need research help? Make an appointment with a member of BMDH Library Staff by schedule an appointment with a librariancontacting them directly. If you're not sure who to contact, just call 9851 6025, and we will help you set up an appointment.  Of course, you can always stop by the Circulation Desks at the libraries and the librarian on duty will be happy to help you.

WHAT TO EXPECT from your appointment

A scheduled 30-60 minute meeting with a librarian. 


  • Critically review your search strategy
  • Advise on database selection
  • Provide guidance on searching grey literature
  • Recommend methods for documenting your search strategy and managing your citations. e.g. EndNote
  • Refer you to other resources to support your research (e.g. quality assessment tools)

Parnita Singh


Library Manager

 9851 6022




Anne Gray


Library Technician

 9851 6130