Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live in all different parts of the nation and comprise hundreds of groups that have their own distinct set of languages, histories and cultural traditions. The health and welfare of Indigenous Australians is improving in a number of areas, including life expectancy, educational attainment and child mortality. But Indigenous Australians still suffer from the consequences of colonisation and, as a group, continue to experience widespread socioeconomic disadvantage and health inequality.
The Health & Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People
Older Australia at a Glance
Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities
The health and welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: 2015
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Performance Framework (HPF) report
Tracking progress against the implementation plan goals for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health plan 2013-2023
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Franework 2017 Report - NSW