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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health


In response to COVID-19 we have gathered information and resources to assist in care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


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Journal Articles

Crooks K, Casey D, Ward JS. First Nations people leading the way in COVID-19 pandemic planning, response and management. The Medical Journal of Australia. 2020 Apr 29:1. Open Access

Stanley F, McAullay D, Eades S. Urban Aboriginal people face unique challenges in the fight against coronavirus [Webpage]. The Conversation; 2020 [Available from: Open Access

Yashadhana A, Pollard-Wharton N, Zwi AB, Biles B. Indigenous Australians at increased risk of COVID-19 due to existing health and socioeconomic inequities. The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific. 2020 Jul 27. DOI: Open Access