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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Wungening Aboriginal Corporation

Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service (AADS) was successful in an application to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) which allows us to continue to lead the organisation and deliver services to Aboriginal individuals and families.  One of the requirement of the IAS funding is that all Aboriginal community controlled organisations be registered with the Commonwealth Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.  AADS made an application to seek an exemption and this application was unsuccessful.  Therefore, AADS needed to progress towards being registered under Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC). This was a lengthy and detailed process and not to mention the need to include the wording Aboriginal Corporation in our name.

The Board of Director made the decision to put forward a special resolution to the members in 2015 to consider a name “Wungening Aboriginal Corporation”.  This was endorsed by the Board and members.

From 28th  August 2017 AADS will officially be known as Wungening Aboriginal Corporation.

Wungening Alcohol and other Drug (AOD) Support Service

Pathways Program

Women Services