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Auburn Hospital Library Interlibrary Loans and Document Delivery

Interlibrary loans and document delivery

Interlibrary loans and document delivery is a service to obtain copies of journal articles and book chapters as well as loans of books when they are not available using Library eResources.  


The majority of requests will have no charge however on occasion a fee is charged to access the item. The minimum charge is $21.80. You will be contacted for approval if payment is required for a request. 

Requesting an interlibrary loan or document delivery

There are several ways to request an interlibrary loan or document delivery:  

  1. If you have found a journal article using Ovid (e.g. Medline, Joanna Briggs Institute, Embase) click on the Request the Article link located to the right of the result then fill in the form. Ensure you select Western Sydney as the LHD and Auburn as the Facility. 

  1. If you have found the item while searching the Clinical Information Access Portal click on the Request this item link below the result then fill in the form. Ensure you select Western Sydney as the LHD and Auburn as the Facility. 

  1. Fill in the Westmead and Auburn Hospital Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Request Form